At the start of this calendar year I began to give some real thought into what direction I want to take my life. I could stay in the same field or try something completely new. I started writing about it a lot and as I was going about my business, I began to receive signs from the universe. I suppose all sorts of signs exist, and maybe I was just looking for what I wanted to see, but it felt like more than that—a friend told me out of the blue that they thought it was great I was following my own path; the woman on my yoga video said to let go of all things that don’t serve my truth; my massage therapist said to take the time to figure things out, not to rush into anything; it might sound silly, but none of these conversations were prompted by me and they all happened, one by one, within days of each other.
It gets weirder: I’m beginning to feel like all of these things are connected in some way, maybe more than just coincidences… I start a Blog. I hear about the Clements Library and investigate. I am sent a link to a website that lists graduate programs around the world in Gastronomy and Food Studies. I decide to create my own program in Food Studies. Clements accepts me, and the people there are totally supportive of my goals—I’ll be a docent there on Mondays; I’m invited to be in a Culinary Historians Book Club. Then I get sent a link to a Food Writers’ Conference in New York. There’s a five-hour session on the first day of the conference geared toward introducing new people to the industry: they’ll talk about blogging, writing memoirs, writing cookbooks and recipes—all things which tie back into what I am now pursuing.
I pick up a book, The Celestine Prophecy.* It was written in the early ‘90s. My Mom lent it to me over a year ago. I could have come across it at any time in the past ten years, and certainly could have read it in the past year, but I didn’t. Instead, somewhere in the middle of all of this, something else happened: my friend Corinna’s book came out. I ordered it. It was supposed to arrive in the mail during the first week of February, but it came early. In her book was a quote from The Celestine Prophecy, which inspired me to finally read it, which brings me to where I am now: in the midst of all of these coincidences and reading about such coincidences.
I’ve heard about sending out energy into the universe and being able to effect things simply by thinking about them, by sending out “vibes” and receiving a response. (I have secretly believed that this was possible.) Now I am openly stating this for all to read: I believe that the universe is magical. If you are positive and think kind thoughts, the universe will conspire to send these things back to you. (I think the opposite is probably true, too.) This doesn’t explain everything for me. And it certainly isn’t meant to discount religion in any way. This is also not to say that things will just happen for us—there must be some amount of action on our parts, as well. But still, I’m enthralled, entranced in the magic. And I want to go to this conference. This isn’t fiscally ideal for us right now, but I know we’ll figure out a way to make it work. Something about it just feels right, like I’ve been led here, guided. Like it’s supposed to happen.
*Redfield, James. The Celestine Prophecy. New York: Warner Books, 1993.

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