This is my all-time favorite way to prepare eggs. I was introduced to this dish by Matt and Kelly when my husband and I went over to their house for brunch one morning. From the moment I took that first bite—and every bite thereafter—I was absolutely spellbound! I had never tasted anything so smooth and creamy, rich and fulfilling.
This preparation gives the eggs a soft, supple texture that, when combined with the cream, becomes the ultimate comfort food. These eggs are versatile: we love them on a cold winter morning, served with sausage and toast, in the spring served with fresh greens or asparagus, or as a quick late-night dinner alongside leftover black beans and rice. Enjoy!

For each ramekin:
1/2 teaspoon butter
2 tablespoons whipping cream
1 large egg
Fresh herbs
Lemon zest
Sea salt, pepper
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Butter the ramekin, saving a bit for later. Add 1 tablespoon of cream and crack the egg on top. Pour the remaining tablespoon of cream over the egg and top with a dot of butter. Garnish with a bit of lemon zest, fresh herbs and freshly ground black pepper. Place the ramekin in a tray of water, approximately 3/4 inch deep.
Place the pan in the middle of the oven and bake for 8 -12 minutes. Keep an eye on the eggs—they’ll be done before they look done. They should set, but still tremble a little when you shake the pan. Season with salt and serve.
*This recipe was adapted from Julia Child's Oeufs en Cocotte recipe in Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Knopf, 1961).

Such a beautiful post! In all ways: the picture, the recipe, the writing, the knowledge of a delicious little foodie gem. I can't wait to try the recipe with some homegrown eggs!