Now here we are at the start of 2010 still in love with the world of food, and both determined to keep our thriving friendship alive. As I move across the country to San Francisco and Jen continues to shape her life in the Ann Arbor area, we are re-igniting the Radio Free Bacon flame—only this time with a slightly different twist. Instead of focusing on one community’s local terroir, we are expanding our reach to, well, just about any place, and while the focus is still on highlighting the fun, interesting, complex, and unique characteristics of our communities, it is also how we will communicate about the rich and vibrant experiences of our everyday, ordinary lives. Here you will find anything from short vignettes about music we’ve encountered to pictures and descriptions of our favorite meals. Our hope is simply to breathe life into fleeting moments and inspire others to live richly.
The Webster-Merriam Dictionary defines feast as, “an elaborate and usually abundant meal often accompanied by a ceremony or entertainment,” and also, “something that gives unusual or abundant enjoyment." Here we mean for it to encompass all facets of our daily experience, from eating, to working, to sitting on the porch. So with that, you are invited to join our cyber-table. We hope you enjoy the feast!

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